Get Out of my Head

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

the reason

So... Why don't you have a boyfriend?
It took me a couple weeks to figure it out, but here's your answer.

I've realized that I am exceptionally talented when it comes to dodging being asked out, whether it is on purpose or completely unintentional. Don't get me wrong. It is a gift as well as a curse. Sometimes this skill comes in handy for nonchalantly blowing off guys I'm not into. However, even when it is a guy that I kind of like, I completely dodge their attempt, often without realizing it at the time. Then later I'm like, "Ohhh, they were trying to ask me out... and I wasn't helping AT ALL. Damn." When I think about it, the only times I've dated or had a fling or whatnot, it's either just kinda happened or the guy had to make it really obvious that he was asking me out. So if you want to date me, I advice you to make it extremely obvious. Pass me a note with yes/no check boxes perhaps. Don't give up on me.

So, there's my problem. I'm sure this is not my only problem, but a big one. Is there some sort of support group I can join? I suppose my being a huge retard may also have something to do with it.


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