Get Out of my Head

Sunday, September 03, 2006

a long way from the bk...

Dear God, I didn't think it could ever be possible, but I think I may actually miss working at that grand small town Burger King. Sure, there were plenty of things to hate about the job, but certain people and certain pay checks will be dearly missed. However, it is good to be back. No matter how much he flatters me and ups my pay, Cheeseburger Chuck ain't got nothin' on a certain premed student.
Here's what's on my mind...
-The dude who's name I didn't even know for the longest time called me last night wanting to party. Unsure how he got my number, but I saw that one coming. Oh yeah, his name is Shawn.
-Logically, I know that getting away from Chris is a good thing right now. The friendly joking was beginning to turn back into flirting. However, I was still a little bummed about leaving him behind. And that makes me feel bad inside for multiple reasons. I just don't know what it is about him.
-Little bro is suppose to be my best friend, but he worked so much I barely saw him this summer. the jerk
-Starting now, I live with my best friend. As great as it sounds in theory, this is really making me nervous. Ya see, the girl is a neat freak and such. I love her, but she has her moments. Also, we share a bedroom. She has a boyfriend at home that likes to come visit. You can see where this is going. Time will tell who will come out of this all alive.
-I'm hungry and just realized that I once again have to fend for myself. No more mom telling me to eat, no more burger king to supply the fries.
-Classes start tuesday. dun dun dun. How did this all creep up?
-I'm exhausted from all the moving. I think I should go forage for some nurishment and then take a lil' nap. yeah sounds cool


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