Get Out of my Head

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

little miss...

When you're called a name beginning with "little miss" it is never a compliment. Ever notice that? So if you are ever called such a thing, take it as an insult, because that's how it was intended.

Apparently, I'm now "little miss college". I don't even know what this means. I take the fact that I seek higher education as a good thing, something that I shouldn't apologize for. I guess I was wrong.

So now, not only am I just the girl with a pretty face and a nice ass, I'm "little miss college."

People have me all wrong. I don't think I'm better than you. I'm just not the same as you. We're different people and I respect that. I respect you. I only wish it went both ways.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

3 dolla'

WalMart and I have that sort of love/hate kind of relationship. I hate it for the mass production, lack of uniqueness and all of its evils. I hate it for being so large and the ease at which one can get lost wandering around. I hate that the entrance of its parking lot was the scene of my little fender bender. But then it goes and does something to make me forgive all of that, just like a typical guy trying to apologize for whatever stupid thing they did this time. It's called the three dollar clearance rack. Oh how I love thee! I purchased numerous articles of clothing the other night, for three dollars each. We're not talking cheap, kleenex thin t-shirts either. We're talking a pair of khakis, a track jacket, etc. Yeah. So, WalMart, you're forgiven for now. Just don't mess up again.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

give me more

The thing about summer is that blogging is no longer a needed procrastination tool, seeing as I have nothing to procrastinate from. (sleeping being an exception at the moment) I'm workin' and I'm chillin' like a villian, and that's about it. Blogging when it is beautiful outside and internet speed is dreadful has become more of a hassle. These are my excuses for the scarcity of posts. Sound good enough for me. Maybe I'll start writing as I sit outside in the sun. Ahhh... sun, what a glorious thing. I'll shut up now.

Another thing...
Just because something is free doesn't make it a good thing.
Because of the whole supervisor thing, I now get free food at the BK. Let's face it. I'm a sucker for french fries. However, they don't pay for a gym membership, so I fear a weight-gain by summer's end. dun dun dun
Salad, Kate. Eat a salad. And how about a nice walk around the block?

And another thing...
I'm pretty sure I'm ready to get back to school. This may be lame, but whatev. A certain boy paid a visit over the weekend and I liked it. I liked it a lot. Hopefully I'll get to visit him in the near future and the rest of summer will fly by. I'm excited for next semester.

And yet another of those things...
I still think I made the right decision on the whole BK/factory deal, but, man, some retarded peoples at the stupid place of employment are making it difficult to deal with. This adds to my anxiousness to get back to school. I think the biggest problem with that place is the numerous attitude problems and the fact that people there are simply rude. What's wrong with people? Honestly, I don't get it.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

random observation #9

A promotion can make a person suddenly less liked by coworkers.

friends turn into attitude problems