Get Out of my Head

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

loud lungs

~Audible breathing in the relaxed state has always been one of those things that simply puzzles me. I understand how the heavy breathing that follows intense activity could produce a sound, as the air moves through the nostrils at a rapid pace. However, a persistent sound of exhaling as a person sits relatively motionless (e.g. in a car, watching a movie, sitting in class) mystifies me. It actually kind of disturbs me. It creeps me out to a small degree.
~As I sat in class earlier, I quickly realized that the girl sitting to my left was an audible breather. Hearing the girl's constant breath began to trouble me and it became difficult to pay attention. In an effort to understand what I am going to go as far as to call a "condition", I attempted to achieve the sound myself. No matter how hard I tried, I simply could not produce any noticeable sound from my nostrils. While failing to do so, I soon found myself becoming lightheaded from all of the extra oxygen inhalation.
~At some point I decided that obsessing over something of this sort most likely isn’t healthy and that, given the option between continuing to attempt an audible respiratory system and paying attention to the professor, the superior choice would the one that would aid in the rise of my GPA. Since the class deals with nothing concerning biology, I decided to shift my attention to the professor and away from the sounds coming from my left. It was a struggle.

Monday, February 27, 2006

lingering thought #17

Sometimes we want things,
but when we get it
we realize that it's not what we wanted after all,
often times wasting
time, energy, money, spirit.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

the vices of life

The temptation is too much to withstand. I am weak. I give in.

Following is a list of my vices that I partook in this weekend.
-caffeine... I craved a starbucks frappachino like no other. I followed it with two cups of coffee.
-nicotine... (shhhhhh) So, I'm a nonsmoker that smokes occasionally and hate myself for it.
-french fries... Man, I could live on french fries.
-soda... The junk will rot your teeth, but mmmm.
-chocolate... Yeah, chocolate is good.
-sleep... Is a two hour nap still considered a nap?
-shopping... But, I only bought toothbrushes. how lame
-pretty sure there were more... but the caffeine wore off and my brain no longer functions

And yeah... I helped insulate a house yesterday. BAM. It was the first volunteer work I've done in a long time. Also, I got a new phone today. It's the shits. I love my mommy. And yet, I hate the fact that I'm so dependant on my parents.
The lady at the cell phone place thought that maybe my brother and I were girlfriend/boyfriend and that his stepson was maybe my kid. Two things: 1) ewwwww, 2) no, I did not birth a child when I was 12. This is especially weird since people usually say I look younger than my 20 years.
ps. The roommate is back. I guess I can go on complaining about her now.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

simultaneous emotion

I'm excited and pissed and pretty sure I'm an evil being.

Today I signed up for where I want to live next year. This means there will be a time (in the not so far away) that I will no longer be burdened with my current living arrangements. I will be sharing an apartment with my totally rad best friend and 2 other girls. woot woot! Yeah, I'm pretty stoked about this one.
However, because of the ridiculously unfair method of signing up, I didn't get into the apartments we wanted, or our second choice of apartment styles. Instead, I will be living in the same crap pile apartment I am now, only next door. I call the right to physically harm all of those younger than me that managed to scum their way into the glorious new aparments. Living here means that I will have to share a room again. I love Teri dearly, but I don't really know how wise it is for me and the neat freak (2 girls that already spend way too much time together) to live in the same room. We'll see how that turns out.
My roommate hasn't been here all week and I don't know why. I complain about the girl constantly but now I'm afraid that I may have become the b*tch that rags on the girl that's grandfather just died, or who just found out she has an incurable disease, or some other terrible tragedy. Granted, I may be jumping to very negative conclusions, but I think I'll only speak good of her until I'm sure. Then it'll be back to the normal pissing and moaning.

In other news... Baseball talk has begun. I'm yearning for the ballpark.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

TeN tHiNGs MosT LiKeLY to CoMe OuT oF My MouTh

in no particular order

1. that's ridiculous
(I can classify pretty much anything as ridiculous)

2. dude
(If you're not using "dude" in at least once every five minutes, you're not using it enough.)
example: Dude, that test was ridiculous.

3. maybe later
(usually said facetiously and/or dismissively when preceded by a suggestion of a certain sort)
example: Hey, maybe we should go make out in the cooler. "maybe later"
I called the burnt-out headlight first. Now you have to take your shirt off. "maybe later"

4. You're right... (followed by the true statement)
example: Look at that guy. That's disgusting. "You're right... that is disgusting."

5. whatever... leave me alone
(usually said to end my talking when I get flustered over something)
example: because, um, I mean, I... whatever... leave me alone

6. you'll have that
example: I barely studied cuz I was in Walmart for like 3 hours last night. "you'll have that"

7. that's funny
(most effective when said monotone)

8. I'm kind of a nerd like that
example: You're a math major?! "Yeah, I'm kind of a nerd like that."

9. I was like, "whoa!"
(usually told in the middle of a story)
example: And then Jim showed up and I was like, "whoa!"

10. I know, right?
example: Kate, you're totally awesome. "I know, right?"

Monday, February 20, 2006

cell phone mayhem

Wow. So, I'm not feeling as ambitious as I thought and I don't really feel like telling my little story for all it could be. Though the detailed version may have been deserving of praise and awards of some sort, I just don't feel up to it. So instead (only because I'm already typing and would hate for it to be a complete waste), here is the extremely basic and lame version.

My cell phone was broken. I took it to a place. I was told I'd need a new one. I do not have $200. I was bummed. I left. I turned on my phone. It worked. The cell phone gods blessed me with my very own cell phone miracle. Crisis averted.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


Procrastination has come back to bite me in the ass. Again. Stupid girl.
Perhaps if I overcame my little addiction to the activity known as procrastination I wouldn't be so stressed as often. What a ground-breaking realization!
Let me tell ya, I've been full of realizations lately, not all of which have been pleasant. But life isn't always easy, is it? I just wish it would be comprehensible once in a while. Damn. I'll figure this game out eventually. It may take me another 30 years, but I'll do it. Of course by then I'll be 50 and will probably have other things to worry about, like gray hair and osteoporosis.
I actually do have things to say (other than the above incoherent nonsense) but like I said, the work load for the next 2 days is nipping at my tail. It'll have to wait.

Note that my present blogging is keeping me from reading the 2 books in front of me. stupid girl

Friday, February 17, 2006

beep you, &%#*$!!!

How very unfortunate that the night I am snowed in my apartment, my roommate is more annoying than ever. By roughly 5 pm, I couldn't take it anymore, so I spent the majority of the night in the living room. This wasn't enough to shield me from her however. Of course her phone conversation was unnecessarily extensive, loud, annoying, and produced much disgust. The terror didn't end here however.
At some point she decided to make some french fries. No problem here. Too bad she forgot about them. Eventually she came out in a huff, of course still on the phone, banging around as she pulled the semi-burned fries from the oven. I had been, and remained to be, lying on the couch watching tv, attempting to act as if she were not there. To my delight, the smoke detector began to blare. Now the chaos really began. She banged around, fumbling with the kitchen chair, cursing and grunting loudly with the phone still in her ear. She tore the alarm from the wall and, when it didn't stop screaming, ripped out the battery. The lesson I learned last night (although I'm not sure my roommate learned anything) is that when you leave a smoke detector hanging from the wall with no battery it will beep, and beep, and beep until you do something about it. She made some statement on the phone about how she'd have to come back and fix that later... once the oven cooled.
The beeping continued. Every 40 seconds another beep. (yup, I timed it) At least an hour went by. The math major in me is gonna say that that would mean at least 90 beeps. A bit distracting when you're trying to relax and enjoy some television, don't ya think? I very well could have gotten up and put the battery back in myself, but I'm nobody's mother. After an excruciating period of disgust, my other roommate (with whom I get along splendidly) came out and attempted to fix the detector. However, after the battery was back in place and the detector was secured in the wall, the beeping continued. I then got up to see if she needed assistance. It was a nightmare. Even after turning off the fuse dealie it continued to beep. I was contemplating finding a hammer when eventually she managed to do something and the beeping finally ceased. All the while my roomie was behind the door of our bedroom. Thank the Lord she left for the weekend.

There is a fabulous Friends reference here. Remember the one where Phoebe has major problems shutting up her smoke detector?

Thursday, February 16, 2006


A blizzard and I burned my grilled cheese? Man, today just isn’t going my way.
Also, my roommate’s food seriously smells like b.o. (or perhaps it is b.o.)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

quote of the day #2

Sometimes random things people say stick out and linger around in my head as if they've been snatched out of a pile and tacked to bulletin board in front of me. Usually it's things that a person just says in passing, not giving it much thought and probably not meaning much by it. Yet, even as they forget it 2 seconds later, I ponder it for longer than I'd like.

Take this for example. Rational... Am I? Is that the most likeable thing about me? I think I've grown tired of being rational. It's exhausting, ya know.

"Kate, you're not being Kate."
Hello, I am Kate. How can I not be myself? It's really that I'm not being the goofy, positive, calm, level-headed, spunky Kate that you define me as. I apologize for taking a day off. I'm sorry that I haven't been happy lately and it's beginning to take its toll. I'm tired. I'm stressed. I'm sick. And I'm appalled by the fact that I'm making excuses.

***Kate is out of the office today, but don't worry. She'll be back tomorrow. She's taken a little vaca to grumpyville where she's sipping cold medicine while lounging beneath the shade of deadlines and enjoying the calm breeze of annoyance.***

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Boys are stupid. Don't talk to them.

Two weekends in a row I was home. Two weekends in a row he knew this. Two weekends in a row I did not so much as see him. Grow a pair, dude. The lame text messages are getting a bit old. Answer your phone when you tell me to call. Have the balls to call a girl back. Honestly, I wouldn't have been upset if you would have called and told me that it wasn't a good night. I'm a big girl. I can handle it. You're just making yourself out to be an idiot not worth my time. I know I deserve better than you and yet I want to give you a chance. It's the stupid in me. But I'm not gonna be that girl. I simply won't.
Prediction: You will, in the next couple of nights, send me an apologetic text message saying that you still miss me.
I will a) not reply, b) make it out to be no big deal (heart of stone, baby, heart of stone), c) say something cute and sassy, or d) tell you that that next date I promised you has an expiration date.
Anyone want to make any bets?

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Man, I've been kinda busy/stressed/confused/whatev lately. Hopefully this weekend will either be extremely relaxing or wildly fun. I think I'm up for either.

There's no denying it. Some individuals are mind blowingly "unique".
There is one such woman in two of my classes. I'm not gonna beat around the bush on this one. She annoys the hells out of me. I also find her a bit on the gross side.
The other day she was more annoying than ever. Why ask a question on section 2.3 when we have a quiz on section 2.2? She's the kind of person that always has something to say, even if it's just "uh huh". She's always suggesting some strategy, which is always either wrong or so completely obvious that it need not be suggested.
I believe it was her attire that put me over the edge. The top, tied at the neck and completely open in the back, as if someone got so annoyed with her that they took a scissors to the back of her clothing. What a shame. Of course in the second class she decided to sit directly in front of me. Does she think I don't already have a hard enough time in Proofs and that I need such a stomach churning distraction? It seems so. But the sleeves! Did I mention the sleeves? They appeared normal until your glance reaches her elbows. At this point the sleeves on this already disturbing outfit explode, her arms swallowed by arm skirts.
"Make sense?"
"Uh huh!"

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Well I'm a very missable person

Friday, February 03, 2006


Hello? Hey there. Oh, hi. How's it going? Not too bad. And yourself? I'm fine. Just fine? Alright, fabulous. Happy? I sense some sacrasm, but I'll take it. So what have you been up to? Oh, not much. Class, homework, just chillin'... you know, the usual. Yeah. And you sir? Staying out of trouble? Trying. Succeeding? Well, for the most part. Good, good. Any big plans for the weekend? Kinda. I'm going home. Yeah? Yup. Is this a good thing? Well yes and no, but mostly yes. Explain. There's nothing to explain. Why the yes and no? Nothing. You always think there's more than there is. I know there is. I just don't understand why you always deny it and refuse to elaborate on things. Whatever. .... Anyway, guess who I talked to yesterday? Who?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

random observation #6

The first NINE M&M's out of the bag were ORANGE.
Peculiar?... yes
Earth-shattering?... probably not