Get Out of my Head

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Have you ever had one of those days where you just feel completely apathetic towards everything? Do you ever just throw up your arms and exclaim, "Who the hell cares! I'm gonna go take a nap. I'll see you fools tomorrow." It makes all the other times you spent freaking out a tad over-dramatized, doesn't it? Or maybe it just means that you should be working on stuff so you don't have to freak out tomorrow, ya know, instead of lounging around like you've been slipped some sort of sedative. Anyhoozle, this is how I feel right about now. It's enjoyable.
Last night I learned, though unfortunately not first hand, that the secret to an adventurous and exciting evening is vodka. So kids, instead of complaining about how lame and uneventful our lives are, let's get us some vodka. Actually, any booze will do.* It goes rather well with holiday cookies and candy canes, I promise.

*I do not endorse the heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages. I am being slightly facetious... but also not.

Monday, November 28, 2005

lingering thought #15

I need me some lovin'.

scandalous secret #3

I am not particularly fond of ice cream, I prefer a good french fry.
An occasional trip to ColdStone is alright, but otherwise, "no thank you". I don't dive into a pint when I'm heartbroken. I do, however, have my own vices.


Thanksgiving has come and gone. I wish everyone much to be thankful for as the holidays near. The number one thing I am thankful for is FaMiLY... and candy... but mostly family and close friends. I really don't know what I would do without those guys. Bless Them.

Traditions live on and traditions die. The foosball tournament was brought to a giant halt when we discovered the bar had rid itself of the foosball table. The fools. I suppose that means Craig and I won by default. To the victors go the trophies. yippy!

I'm feeling very sarcastically positive. I think I'm just bummed that my little vaca is over. Here's to semester's end and winter break being less than a month away. CheeRS!
Let's not think about the fact that I will be picking up some work at BK during break and coming back to much earlier classes.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

i hop to IHOP

~I'm not sure what has come over me, but I seem to find restaurant merchandise strangely attractive and alluring. The Country Kitchen incident will not be easily forgotten. That seasoning seems to have been my gateway drug. Shameful, I know.
~A recent trip to IHOP fueled my addiction. That little, tub-like thing they keep the packets of sugar and sweetener in was taunting me. I restrained myself, however, and attempted not to look directly at it. Then a friend mentioned the IHOP hat one of the workers was wearing. We needed one of those hats. After asking, we discovered that the only hats they had were old and nasty. damn After some intense crayon action, food, drunken pals joining, pictionary, and boysenberry syrup, my friend ordered some hot chocolate. Now let me tell ya, that mug was damn enticing. The temptation was killing me. Again I restrained from placing anything in my purse, but everyone was well aware that it was a struggle.
~Intoxicated boy #1 decided to take matters into his own hands. He ordered a cup of coffee and afterwards placed both mugs into his shirt as if they belonged there. Once outside, he handed my friend and I each a mug and then, to our surprise, whipped out an IHOP hat. That is one sneaky boy. I love my cute IHOP mug, but I'm afraid this is only encouraging my little problem.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

this ain't yo' mama's sauce

My roommate proves to be quite the interesting character. I entered my apartment the other day to the smell of warm applesauce. To my surprise, I found dear roomie by the stove fierecly mashing some good-ol', homemade apple sauce with "a bunch of old apples" she had "lying around". How very grandma-esque of her. If I had old apples lying around, they'd be tossed in the garbage. Actually, I would never even have a multitude of apples just lying about. To think, I was impressed by the making of cookies from scratch. It's as if all of the homemaker-ish arts that seem to have been lost in the rest of my generation are somehow embodied in my roommate. I'm going to take a close look at her sweaters from now on. I bet she knit them herself.
Don't get me wrong. I do not mean to be poking fun of the girl. This all just strikes me as strange. I never learned such things. Perhaps I am secretly jealous of her skills as I sit in despair watching her make real food as I toast a pop-tart. drat

Thursday, November 17, 2005

toilet bowls of fun

What a grumpy-puss I am. I seem to be having a losing battle with my alarm clock. After turning it off in my sleep, I miraculously woke up 20 before class. A girl's gotta love a mere 10 minutes to ready herself for the day. My eyes were so puffy I could barely open them. After class I strolled over to the office to face the frustration known as student government. I managed to escape without hurting anyone and moseyed over to calc. The thought that perhaps I'm not cut out for this math thing increased as I sat in utter confusion, fearing the upcoming exam and the rest of my college career. Finally making it back to my apartment after enduring the cold and snow (yes, snow) I decided that I needed to nap it all off. When I woke up, it was time to clean the bathroom, this being my designated task for the week. What fun. Three years ago you would never find me cleaning a toilet. My, how I have grown. I did manage to work on some homework, but not without consuming a load of cheese popcorn and many-a-procrastination-break. Now I ponder further action as I think on the remainder of the homework, the terrible weather, the road conditions in the morning, and the fact I must wake early and drive to observe some court proceedings.
***I wish to find Justin and join him in that hole he planned to curl up and die in.***

UPDATE(11/18): I turned my alarm off again and had 15 minutes to get ready, meet someone in the office to get their signature on a couple of forms, and hike it to class. joy

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I can't believe I did this

1. bed
2. computer
3. roommate's crap
4. laundry
5. books
6. frisbee
7. pictures

1. that's ridiculous
2. dude
3. I was like whoa
4. you'll have that
5. that's funny
6. I'm kind of a nerd like that
7. whatever, leave me alone

DO YOU... SMOKE? ...not really
READ THE NEWSPAPER?: occasionally the campus paper
PRAY? sometimes
HAVE A JOB?: kinda
ATTEND CHURCH?: when I'm home
GONE SKINNY DIPPING?: no, but I should
HAD SURGERY?: twice, same thing
BEEN TO A BONFIRE?: honestly, who hasn't?
GOT DRUNK?: shhhh
RAN AWAY FROM HOME?: no, but I used to hide in my closet a lot
BEATEN SOMEONE UP?: got sent to the principal's office for punching a kid
BEEN ON STAGE? yup, cardinal singers baby
BEEN ON RADIO/TV?: yeah, I'm practically a celebrity, jk

A B O U T Y O U . . .
What time is it?: 8:38, how is that about me?
Nicknames: tubby, how sweet
birthdate?: Dec 9th, '85
Height?: 5'5"
Eye color?: brown
Hair color?: brown
Piercing(s): ears
W H A T D O Y O U W A N T . . .
Where do you want to live?: a relatively small town
How many kids do you want?: don't wanna think about that
What kind of job do you want?: wouldn't I want to know
Do you want to get married?: maybe
R A N D O M . . .
Current Music: random stuff on my 'puter
Current Taste: coconut
Current Hair: pretty long, and curly
Current Annoyance: lots
Current Smell: nothing
Current thing I should be Doing: homework/studying
Current Desktop Picture: Doug Davis, that's hot
Current Favorite Show: Friends I guess
Current Book: don't have time to read extracurricularly
Current Movie In DVD player: I'm too poor for such luxories
Current Refreshment: Capri Sun

1. Sleep with or without clothes on? ...boxers and a tshirt please
2. Prefer black or blue pens?
3. Dress up on Halloween? ...sure
4. Like to travel? ...yeah, but haven't much
5. Like someone? ...possibly, I don't even know anymore
6. Do they know? ...nope
7. Who sleeps with you every night? ...does my mountain of blankets count?
8. Think you're attractive? ...sometimes
9. Want to get married? ...maybe, maybe not
10. TO? ...a guy that I can stand and will put up with me
11. Are you a good student? ...I'm a nerd, but this semester sucks
12. Are you currently happy? ...not really
13. Have you ever cheated on a test? ...nope, homework yes
14. Birthplace? ...fondulac
15. Christmas or Halloween? Christmas
16. Colored or black-and-white photo? & white is more dramatic
17. Do long distance relationships work? ...they can
18. Do you believe in astrology? ...nah
20. Do you believe in love at first sight? ...nope
21. Do you consider yourself the life of the party?, and I'm sure no one else does
22. Do you drink? ...occasionally, but I wish I had one now
23. Do you make fun of people? ...unfortunately I can be evil
24. Do you think dreams eventually come true? ...if you work for it
25. Favorite actor/actress? ...unsure, possibly Sandra Bullock, but I don't play favorites
26. Go to the movies or rent? ...hello, I'm poor
27. Have you ever moved? ...does to college count?
29. How's the weather right now? ...nasty, cold and snowy
31. Last person you talked to on the phone? mom?
32. Last time you showered? ... 2am
33. Loud or Soft Music? ...yes
34. McDonalds or Burger King? ...BK, not just out of loyalty
35. Night or day? ...night
36. Number of Pillows? ...2 and a big stuffed frog
37. Piano or guitar? ...guitar
38. Future job? ...good question
39. Current job? ...SGA Executive Director
40. Current love? ...french fries
41. Current longing? be stressfree
42. Current disappointment? life
43. Current annoyance? ...SGA amongst many other things
44. Last thing you ate? ...pasta stuff
45. Last thing you bought? pockets
46. Most recent thing you are looking forward to? ... Thanksgiving break
47. What are you Wearing right now? ...sweat shirt and loungy pants
48. Plans for this weekend? ...write a paper, understand ch. 12, sleep, and something fun
49. What did you do today? ...classes, office, napped, cleaned the bathroom, homework, procrastinate
50. Pick a lyric, any lyric or song:, too many, cannot decide

Monday, November 14, 2005


What do you do when you go on a date with a guy after being set up by a friend and the date goes really well until an uncomfortable phonecall by a now worried friend and you begin to think too much and feel out of place in the bar you just entered and end up feeling relieved when two of your very appreciated friends come to the bar to make sure you are alright and rescue you and drive you home because both you and the date you have just left have had a bit much to drink throughout the night and the next day you are really confused as to what to think about the situation and the guy until your friend tells you information that she has since found out which makes the decision of whether or not to go out with him again a lot easier?
(That is correct. I made that all one long, interrogatory sentence. Sue me.)
Well… you go out to eat at the restaurant the lad works at and have him as your server, of course! As uncomfortable as this may sound, it really wasn’t as awkward as I otherwise would have thought. My confusion and frustration continues.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

random observation #4

The bubbles in the sink made a heart shape.

(This would be a lot more inspiring if I was in love or something.)

Friday, November 11, 2005

That (pretty) Girl

I'm pretty again.
It's been awhile, but it feels good to be back. Sure, it may not be a constant prettiness, there may be a doubt here and there, or a momentary lapse of confidence, but I'm pretty again. It feels good to say those words, as vain and superficial as it may sound. I don't remember feeling sure of it for over a year now. Sure, there was the "nice ass" feeling... but not the "pretty" feeling. This is all much more than physical and self-image topics and I don't really know how to explain what I mean. It's deeper than that. I still remember that one particular moment when I felt it more than ever, when I was sure. I don't take compliments well, but I appreciated it. God, did I appreciate it. It felt good to hear it again, to think it again.
Lately I've been thinking that maybe I'm only cynical to defend myself. "Feeling pretty" may be the way to begin the end of that. And again, my "feeling pretty" isn't mearly a physical thing.

None of this made sense, but I don't seem to care. I'm pretty, damnit. I can get away with anything I want.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

B o N u S _ P o i N t

I scored an A-/B+ on the paper I was sure was a disaster. Perhaps I will not fail philosophy after all. woot woot

(Why do I always think "after all" is one word? I'm still not really sure on this one.)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

lingering thought #14

i'm not very good at this game

Monday, November 07, 2005

bad habits

I took a trip home this weekend and reinforced the idea that going back there brings back bad habits that have died here at school. These bad habits include: seeming unable to get out of bed, drinking too much soda, falling asleep on the couch, taking forever in the bathroom, running late for planned times, brushing my teeth less than 6 times a day, being lazy, and other random things. I realize that none of these habits seem like huge problems, but it is frustrating none the less. It's like I've grown and changed but when I go back there, I revert to my old self slightly. It's a strange phenomenon.

There's another strange phenomenon related to going back home. When I wash my hair and blow dry it here at school it becomes relatively straight. At home when I follow the same routine, it remains rather curly. What's the deal? Is it the water? the slightly different shampoo?

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I “work” in the student government offices in the University Union here at the U-dub. Therefore, I often utilize the nearby restroom. Each time I do so, I use the same stall. I very well could use a different stall, there is nothing but my own preference keeping me from doing so, I simply choose not to. Call me strange if you wish. This is the way I am. Today I entered the bathroom only to find my stall occupied. How dare they? That is my stall. What was I to do? I was forced to either use a strange, unfamiliar toilet, or linger around creepish-like until the occupant of my stall exited. I chose the first, normal option. But I gotta tell ya, it was a struggle.

UPDATE (11/3): Today my stall was out of toilet paper. Things just aren't going my way.
UPDATE (11/11): Today my stall was "stained", if you will, as well as the one next to it. I don't ask for much, people.