Get Out of my Head

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I have amazing sleeping abilities, people. Seriously. I think I slept for about 12 hours last night. I realize that this was a huge waste of a day, but I couldn't even help it. Sometimes when I'm sleeping it's like I'm in a coma and without a persistant alarm I simply won't wake up.

I closed with the assistant manager tonight. I've always gotten the feeling she doesn't like me, but I think I've finally won her over with my witty charm, dashing good looks, and remarkable intellect. yeah... jk.
I close again Friday and open on my own for the first time Sunday. scary

Monday, May 22, 2006

burger queen

Everyone knows that when they are at work and their boss calls them into their office and asks them to close the door behind them the general feeling is, "Uh oh, what did I do now?" Fortunately, the outcome of such private visits is not always of this case. Sometimes it's more like "Would you be interested in becoming a supervisor if I pay you more than you would make at the factory, making you the highest paid hourly worker here, over people older than you that have been here for years and do everything while you know how to do a lot but not nearly everything they do, by a dollar, while also learning more and gaining much more experience than you would in a factory where the only thing you learn is how to use bad language and smoke cigarettes?" Um, yes.
Feel free to laugh. It is rather funny that I still work at BK. It was funny when I started there, so logically it's hilarious that I'm there for a third summer.

Friday, May 19, 2006

home sweet...... well yeah

I've been home for a week now. It's kind of strange really.
My stuff has no place where it belongs. My routine is out of sink. My daily life is immensely different. My friends are no longer within walking distance.
Three months, baby. Three months.
This isn't feeling like home anymore. I mean, it is and it isn't. I'll always have a home here. The welcoming walls will be welcoming until they fall down. But the feeling of belonging is fading. I almost feel like an intruder, invading their space, interrupting their lives. My life isn't here anymore. My life is in Green Bay, with my friends and school life. Coming back here is like a twilight zone of the past, and that's not who I am anymore.
But if this isn't my home, then where is? I never referred to my apartment at school home. How can a space shared with people I barely spoke to be home? That apartment was simply the place I stored my things, the place I slept at night, not home. Others would say that they had just gotten home from work, home from class, but not me. I never saw it as home. Does this leave me homeless? That's rather depressing.

How I'm Spending My Summer Vacation - coming soon to a post near you

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Getting to know Isaac has really made me wonder what I ever really saw in Chris. No disrespect to Chris or anything (actually, this is probably a pretty awful thing to do... but no one knows about this anyway. I won't tell if you won't.) but it's actually pretty ridiculous how much of an upgrade Isaac is. Let's formulate a list, shall we?

Chris vs Isaac
Chris: good looking
Isaac: g-oooood looking
Chris: fun... if you want to get wasted
Isaac: fun... always
Chris: does nothing but drink
Isaac: drinks on occassion... responsibly
Chris: keeps saying he want to go back to school to be an electrician or something
Isaac: takes school seriously and is going to be a doctor
Chris: can be funny I guess, mostly when I'm drunk
Isaac: is my kind of funny
Chris: pretty much just wants a piece of ass
Isaac: doesn't just want a piece of ass
Chris: is concerned with being cool too much
Isaac: isn't bothered by being a dork
Chris: has ugly feet (sorry dude)
Isaac: normal feet
Chris: is a bad boy (yes, not always a bad thing)
Isaac: has never been to jail
Chris: still works at burger king
Isaac: is working towards an actual future (doctor, people, did I mention the doctor thing?)
Chris: "took care of me" when I was ralphing (maybe)
Isaac: is actually caring
Chris: threw my beer can away once
Isaac: did the dishes after I made supper
Chris: likes my ass
Isaac: likes spending time with me
Chris: um... an okay kisser (if you're into awkwardness)
Isaac: yeah, much better
Chris: sometimes makes me feel uncomfortable and unsure of myself
Isaac: there's a comfort with him, I can be me
Chris: smells like booze and cigarettes covered by cologne
Isaac: smells yummy, and not overwhelmingly so
Chris: smokes like a chimney
Isaac: tobacco free
Chris: unsure for him on this one
Isaac: can sing... that's hot
Chris: kinda boring
Isaac: is playful and fun to be with
Chris: his scruff because of laziness and kinda burns my face
Isaac: his scruff is trimmed and sexy, no burning experienced as of yet

There are probably a million more things. Honestly, the only reasons to hang out with Chris from now on are on a purely friend basis. Any past questions of wanting/not wanting to date him have been answered with a NO. The list is convincing enough for me. I deserve better, damnit.


As Daryl Hall and John Oates would say: "She's Gone."
Just ignore the rest of the song... because it definately doesn't apply.

Sweet Jesus, am I feeling so many things right now. The good, the bad, the ugly. Recently my life has been kind of a blur, a blur that is moving much too fast. It's been hard to keep up. I love my life right now. That doesn't always happen, but right now, this very minute, I am happy. I'm sounding rather hallmark-ish, but whatev.
I have so much studying/packing/cleaning/studying/hanging out to do that I'm gonna cop-out (again) and leave some highlights to tantalize.

-I have studied more for this semester's finals than any other. We're talkin' pretty sickening amounts here folks.
-Isaac and I finally kissed. yeah.
-Isaac is mmm mmm SEXY.
-I like Isaac more than I have ever liked anyone. For real.
-I leave tomorrow. booo. Talk about bad timing.
-My roommate left less than an hour ago. The girl is no longer my roommate. Holy shit, the day finally came.
-She didn't do her cleaning and she tried to steal my friggin pots, but whatev. I don't have to live with her anymore. HELL YES
-I have a final at 7 tonight. What the hell is with that? Then proofs at 8 in the am tomorrow.
-I finally have a job lined up for summer. I'll be working in the same factory as last summer, but making 75 cents more. woot. I guess that makes the suckiness worth it.
-I should study now. I won't be satisfied until I can recite these friggin proofs by heart, BY HEART.
-To think, there was a time I thought I'd be content with a C in this class. SCREW THAT! I'm a GENIUS. Give me an A baby. Give me an A.

Sunday, May 07, 2006


Make Goals, Not Expectations.

Friday, May 05, 2006


I don't know. I don't have the energy to be creative so I'm gonna cop-out and make a lame list.

-I'll be home in one week.
-I hate that I won't see certain people for ~3 months.
-I've been hanging out with a great guy lately.
-His ex/my best friend's roommate now hates me.
-I am no longer allowed to hang out in her apartment.
-She's been ruder to me than anyone ever has been.
-I should probably be studying for finals.
-Two of them are going to be hell.
-I'm not really looking forward to living at home.
-I don't know where I am going work.
-I do enjoy that my roommate will no longer be my roommate.
-Next year I'll be living with my best friend and it'll be awesome.
-I don't know whether or not I want to hang out with Chris over the summer.
-I'm going to a Brewer game next weekend. I'm pretty pumped.
-My grandma is in the hospital.
-That title made more sense for what I planned on writing about.