Get Out of my Head

Monday, November 29, 2004

Question of the Day

Do other people view the way I act around some of my guy friends as flirting?

It has been brought to my attention recently that this may be the case. The way I am is not me trying to "get with" all the guys. If you know me at all you would understand that this is not the case at all. I have a number of male friends. If an arm is put around my shoulder and I do not push it off, this does not mean that I am interested in the owner of the arm or that the owner of the arm is interested in me. Me joking around with them, sitting next to them, and even our bodies touching in a nonromantic way is not me flirting. That is me. That is me enjoying having friends that I feel comfortable with. I am sorry if that is not how it comes off.
Perhaps this is also why I have trouble moving to the "more than friends" stage. Do other guys think this? Do they see this and think that I couldn't be interested in them because I am acting this way toward other guys? This doesn't really make sense, but when it comes to me and guys what does? I love my brothers, but I blame them. I grew up around them and their friends, so I naturally act this way towards the male gender. Maybe I should hang out with the girls more often and figure out how I'm "suppose" to act. This is also why girls annoy me sometimes. I don't understand the way some of them act and think. It seems like petty, dramatic nonsense sometimes.

Sunday, November 28, 2004


Oh how wonderful. I had the absolute best Thanksgiving EVER. It was an absolutely fabulous 4 days. I can not even express how much fun I had, how often I laughed, how I reestablished friendships, and how much I want to do it all again. Now I cannot wait for Christmas break. 22 days until my last final exam and I get to return home. (but who's counting?)

FAMILY: I love my family, every last member of the enormous group. When I got home Wednesday Cory met me with an enthusiastic greeting before I could even get out of the car. Tony was already home too. The three of us acted like complete spasms. We were loud, energetic, and a bit obnoxious. My Favorite. Turkey-day was the best. The house was packed and I just loved being around everyone. Mindy brought pictures from the wedding. They were all terrific. That night Tony, Cory, and I went to see the SpongeBob movie. It was okay. It has its funny parts but definitely didn't hold par to last years Elf, but what could? Then we went the bar/bowling alley to meet up with Craig. We did some mad fooseballing. I am proud to say that Craig and I walked away the champions. Booyah. Let the creation of millions of Thanksgiving traditions live on.

FRIENDS: After going to Burger King and getting 8 crowns Friday night, I went over to Amanda's. I knew I missed everyone, but I had no idea how Badly I miss everyone until I was with them again. I miss just hanging out with them all. I don't have what I have with them with anyone here. Sad. Then called Lizzy Saturday and went over to Jenny's with her. I miss her. It was another fabulous night. I didn't want to leave. I didn't want it to be over and face not seeing them all again.
(one thing... he's dating her? huh? since when? I'm not upset over it really. Things were cool between us. We are going to be able to maintain this friend thing. It's just that I realize that I have been lied to. I don't know how I feel about that. The more I realize who he really is, the more I get over that whole deal. good.)

Monday, November 22, 2004


Calm Down. Breath. Relax. Simmer Down. Inhale. Exhale. Settle. Rest That Little Mind of Yours.

phew. Much better. Everything is Okay. I was freaking out a little bit of a while there, much more than needed. I realize this now. Things are still kind of Unresolved there, but okay. In a way I still feel like I should say something, because I really didn't. There's a little uncertainty lingering around. Still really confused, but okay. I'm breathing again.
Overall, this weekend was very relaxing. Yes, it worked my mind a little more than appreciated, but I feel somehow rejuvenated. Perhaps it was all that sleep I got. me like sleep

Saturday, November 20, 2004


I just want to hide, escape everything that has happened. Yesterday everything was normal in my world. I was grumpy, but other than that my day was event-free. I didn't sleep very well because everything was running over and over in my mind. Then I woke up at about 2 to discover that everything had changed. Everything is different now. He did it. Why did he have to go and do that? I understand that he had to do it for himself and I'm not mad in any way. It's just that this complicates things in my life. It scares me. I hate that. Life is so much simpler when it's boring. He sent me a long email explaining everything that he was feeling, including his confession of his feelings for me. I guess I already knew in a way, but was denying it because I didn't want to have to face it. Now I don't even know what to think. I don't know what to say to him. I told him that I was gonna go for a run or something and shower and clear the thoughts in my own head. Now, I'm sitting here cold and wet without having solved a thing. I'm shivering, but I don't think it has anything to do with that. I just don't want to hurt him. I think I probably already have on numerous occasions without even knowing it. I hate myself for being so naive to what's going on around me sometimes. I do care about him, a lot. That is what is making this so hard. It's just that I don't know that I could look at him like that. He's been more like a best friend or a brother to me, which is saying a lot. I don't want to lose him. I don't know that I'm even looking forward to Thanksgiving as much any more. I will inevitably see him, and everyone else. It's not that I don't want to see him... It's just that I don't want things to be all weird and awkward.
He told me a bunch of other stuff too. All of which I can relate to. In fact, I was sitting up half the night thinking about all the junk that has been building up in my mind for so long. I don't even know how to express what I was feeling, what I still am feeling. Then his email heightened a lot of these feelings. It put it all into words for me to read and repeat over and over in my head. I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm so confused.
I just want to crawl back into my bed and never come out. I just want to curl up in my blanket and pretend that it's someone's comforting arms holding me tight.


You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile.
So I Guess I'm Naked Then.

Well tonight was fun wasn't it? The entire day has been tip-top. Or perhaps it was not, I'm being sarcastic, today sucked the butt, and I want to punch the people down the hall. Yes, that sounds about right. Even the weather was crap, cold and rainy. I risked catching pneumonia just to get to class. Talk about dedication. Then there's the fact that I almost feel sorry for the state of mankind at the moment. It takes a lot to really piss me off. It takes a pretty talented person to succeed in doing so. This is why I send a Congrats to all of you who have worked together to accomplish the creation of my Bad Mood. Nice team effort here folks. I do have a question for you. How is it possible and Why are people so damn selfish? Here's an idea: think about something other than yourself and ways for you to gain for once. Is there no hope for society? Honestly. Am I strange because I feel bad when I don't think of other people? Am I strange because I enjoy going out of my way to help someone that genuinely deserves it? Is this why I never seem to get ahead? Maybe I need to push others down in the dirt for my own cause. Seems to be the trend, does it not? I can just hear the excuses and sound of innocence. Like you didn't have it planned. Give me a break. You know that you can walk over me, so you do. What happens when I don't come to your rescue like you assume I will, because I have a problem with being a nice person.
Sadly, I cannot help it. Tomorrow I will still be the sweet little girl that everyone has no problem using. It feels good, really. I thank you. I like that you're thinking of me.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Reasons I'm Looking Forward to Thanksgiving

  • Going Home!!!
  • Being in a house filled with people
  • To get my favorite sweater that I forgot at home
  • Meeting Natalie's family (the brother's future in-laws)
  • The chance to see friends
  • The chance to see other friends
  • Going on an "Adventure" with Cory
  • Food from home
  • Going to a movie
  • Shopping?
  • Painting with Mindy
  • Sleeping in my bed
  • Being able to fully act like my retarded self
  • Watching Beauty & the Beast
  • The carrying out of the devious plan...whahaha
  • Having a big yard again
  • Going to my Church
  • Bringing food back up here
  • Doing laundry
  • My shower at home
  • Bringing the Cavalier back
  • Getting the CD from the Cavalier
  • Not having class
  • Thoroughly expressing my hatred for football
  • Bring back my calc notes from last year
  • It'll be only 1 month to Christmas
  • 2 weeks to my b-day
  • Eating at the "cool person table"
  • Being with my favorite people

Thursday, November 18, 2004

One Week

Can we say: One Week To A Loud, Crazy, Crowded, Hectic, Busy, Jam Packed, Enthusiastic, Buzzing, Chaotic, Fabulous, Full House???
I love it. I cannot wait. Having a big family is wonderful.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Like a bubble, human life lasts for just a brief moment and then disappears, leaving no more than a memory.

Homo Bulla (Man is a Bubble)

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

i lufff you

Don't do that. Stop it. You should know by now not to do that.
What's my problem? You'd think I was a guy or something. What is it about those 3 teeny words?
I love You. "ummm... okay... thanks." I love You. "well I hate you... just kidding." I love You. "oh, no you don't." I love You. "well who doesn't?" I love You. "yeah... you too." I love You. "I know, so do I." I love You. "...(strange awkward pause)..." I love You. "I love candy." I love You. "stop it"
I have a real problem knowing how to react to people telling me they love me. I don't even know how to respond to a simple compliment. Someone tells me how pretty I am and I'm like, "uhhh... no... but whatever... thanks?" Not to mention the squirming and fidgeting. I don't even really say "I love You" to my family, and when I do I think it seems awkward, like it's very noticeable that something is weird. Why, I do not know. The thing is, it wasn't always that way. I used to say it. I used to say it to my mom every night after she tucked me in about 7 times by the time she walked down the hall and down the stairs. Then I guess I came to the conclusion that this was unusual, or uncool, or something, and stopped.
Now I get freaked out when a friend, my father, or someone says it. Don't get me wrong here. I'm not IN LOVE with anyone like that. So you can all calm down. However, there are people that I love and I suppose love me too. Too bad whenever they decide to tell me this, I either get all weird or pass it off as a joke. What I hate the most is when I don't know how to take it (which is basically always), when I don't know how the person is intending it.
So basically, I'm sorry to anyone that loves me, which is everyone I know. (I just did it again) I do not act this way on purpose. Just know that I do love you and am thankful for wonderful people like you that love me back. Can't we just have some sort of understanding? We'll just know. Or maybe we can develop the "I love you but I can't express it properly" handshake. That's more fun anyway.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

conspiracy theory

Ya know how people always say, "we'll still be friends" but then they aren't still friends? I have come to a conclusion. They don't remain friends because deep down they don't believe that it can happen. I am here to say it is possible. I blame Hollywood. We watch movies, TV shows, and hear songs and believe that it is all reality. As we part a loved one, we have it built into our heads that our lives are just like that of a movie. We should now cry into our pillows, and never talk to them again, because that is how it happens in the movies. No, No, No. Don't you see? This is all a conspiracy put in place by Hollywood. We see one movie, enjoy it, and mirror our lives after it. Then when we have a melodramatic episode, we console ourselves by going to the movie theater or renting our favorite film and stuffing our faces with junk food in an attempt to escape our reality. What is this doing? It is funding Hollywood. It is a vicious circle, a devious and well thought out plan. Do not let them brain wash you! Your life is not a movie. It is possible to remain friends. You just have to believe that it is possible. Once you start thinking things are weird between you, then things are weird. It's all in your head, put there by greedy filmmakers. I have proof. So in your face Hollywood. Give it up. I will continue to watch movies, purely for entertainment value. However, this girl is on to you and will not succumb to your evil subliminal ways.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

"Where should I go from here?" asked Alice.
"That depends a great deal on where you want to go." said the cat.

"But what if I don't know where that is?!" asked That Girl.
"Then you're screwed." said the cat.

Taxi Girl

It's been a good, relatively stress free, week. The only thing is that I now have to pick out my classes for next semester and plan my schedule. Slight problem here. I have no idea what I want to do with my life and therefore have no idea what classes I should take. I thought math. So maybe I'll keep going with that. However, do I want to be a math teacher or do something else math related? Then sometimes I think that I want to drop the whole math thing. I was looking at the math classes and thought, "I don't want to take these classes." Maybe math is just the easy way out for me, but is that what I really want to spend my life doing? The problem is, if I decide to ditch math, I am left with nothing. I have a feeling that I will still be in college 15 years from now, poor and still without direction. Someone just tell me what it is I should do. PLEASE.
Maybe if I had some sort of interest in something, and wasn't so damn indecisive. Even when I was a little kid and everyone had there crazy dreams of what they wanted to be when they grew up, I had nothing. Zip, zero, no aspirations. I had a class project in first grade and we had to draw a picture of what we wanted to be when we grew up. Classmates drew football players, doctors, veterinarians, musicians, mad scientists, and the like. What the teacher didn't understand is that I never had such dreams. I ended up asking a friend what I should draw. She said a taxi-driver. So, that is what I drew. My family got a good laugh out of this one at the time, but sadly, I think this may be where I am headed after all. Maybe I should just drop out of college right now, move to New York, and drive a cab for the rest of my life.

Monday, November 08, 2004

my brain at 3 am

I have had this song in my mind forever, and I could never figure out what it was. The only words I could think of were, "did you get my letter I wrote you that I did not send". I figured it out Saturday night. There's a Light in Your Eyes, by Blessed Union of Souls. Good song. Amazing the things your brain can do at 3 in the morning. Then I sent a friend a message online, not expecting him to be awake.
him: well me go sleepy now
him: so let's go to sleep together
me: okay
him: ...(no intended or implied meaning, I swear)
me: heh
him: goodnight
me: nighty night
...(10 minutes later)...
me: how can a train be a "runaway" train? trains are rather large, kinda hard not to notice. trains are pretty noisy too. it would be remarkable for a train to go undetected. so how could a train possibly runaway? That's Just Silly!
me: i'm going to bed now, i swear
him: you're hilarious

Though most of my night had been relatively boring, it ended pretty good. I finally figured out the song that has been haunting me (I'm listening to it right now) and I loved that conversation. It was silly, and I enjoy that.

Saturday, November 06, 2004


I don't know why, but I feel like crying right now. I'm not much of a crier, but I think it would feel good. I guess I miss my old life. I want it to be last year. Last year was the best year of my life. I was happy and confident. I had terrific friends around every corner, never lacking something to do. I felt loved, cared for, like I belonged. I learned a lot about myself and life, but it is all different now. I don't feel as confident, I don't have friends around every corner, I'm always lacking something to do, and I don't feel like I belong. I don't want it to take as long to find comfort this time around, because once I get it... it's gone.
I miss my best friend. I barely talk to her now. We chatted for awhile online last night, but it's not the same. Next time I'm home I'm gonna call her, see if we can get together. I miss the days when we could just hang out and be retarded. I want to be able to waste 4 hours decoupaging little boxes with her, gossiping about all the people we dislike. It makes me really sad that I didn't spend as much time with her this summer as I could have. I hung out with the guys most of the summer. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret it. I loved being with them, but I wonder if I put her on hold because of them. Did I neglect you? If I did, I'm sorry. I can't help but blame myself for wanting to spend too much time with him. Even his best friend said that that's the only time he saw me, at his house. It was like a sickness. He's like a disease.(sometimes a good disease... maybe) I hate that, I don't want to be one of those girls. I don't want to neglect other people because of a guy. The thing is, she didn't hang out with that group like I did, so I didn't see her when I was with them. I had a terrific summer with them, but I can't help but wonder what it would be like now if I had hung out with her more. I barely ever talk to him anymore either. I talk to his best friend.
What is up with the universe? Why can't things just go the way I want them to? Then again, I'm sure I'm learning a lesson here somewhere. Haven't picked up on it yet though. hmmmm... I'm a little slow sometimes.

Friday, November 05, 2004

In Case You Were Wondering

I got bored. Therefore, I will subject you to reading useless facts about myself. Whahaha

1. I think wheat thins are a food group.

2. I love french fries.
3. I dislike people who are stupid.
4. I like math in an unhealthy way.
5. I say numerous words strangely. (or maybe I'm the only one saying them normal)
6. I used to hate bananas. Now I'm a fan.
7. My favorite color is green.
8. My bed sheets are blue.
9. I'm a picky eater and yet I've eaten Mongolian food.
10. I've never been on a plane.

11. My favorite show is Arthur, on PBS. (don't judge me)
12. Very few people know of my Arthur obsession.
13. I laugh during scary movies.
14. I run into things on a daily basis.
15. I have freakishly skinny wrists.
16. I like to sing in the shower.
17. My brother dropped me down the stairs once. I only broke a toe. (Though brain damage may explain a few things.)
18. I enjoy brushing my teeth.
19. I like going to the dentist.
20. I have the same birthday as my dentist.

21. I have an awful tendency of saying things when I don't know that someone is around the corner/behind me/in the next stall.
22. I am very indecisive... Or am I?
23. I rode an elephant once, but I don't remember it. I do remember getting on.
24. I've only been to 4 states, including this one.
25. I enjoy things that are strange.
26. My hair used to be blonde and kinda curly. Now it's brown and annoying.
27. Friends say I'm cheap. I say I'm poor.
28. I'm going to marry Josh Groban.
29. I don't put milk in my cereal, not only because I detest milk, but because when my mom would pour it on top of my cereal and sugar I thought it made the sugar "disappear". And I like my sugar.
30. I look like a fool in sunglasses.

31. I think smoking is disgusting.
32. I have issues with things like strawberry flavored applesauce.
33. I have an amazing ability to spend a whole day doing nothing.
34. I would only eat mayonnaise bread (mayo on bread) until I was like 7.
35. I still love mayo.
36. I used to ask permission to go to the bathroom.
37. I begged my parents for a guitar, got one for Christmas, don't know how to play.
38. I never got that house cat I wanted.
39. It's not that I hate snow; it's that I hate cold.
40. Football is stupid. Baseball is not.

41. I'm an easy-going, laid-back kind of gal.
42. I got a Bible in 2nd grade for my 1st communion. I started reading from the beginning.
43. I drink too much soda.
44. Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons? Think about it. It blows my mind.
45. I used to watch 20/20 with Barbara Walters and Hugh Downs weekly when I was like 9.
46. I played the clarinet in grade school.
47. I despise the Cosby Show.
48. I like it when it storms. (rain, thunder/lightening, wind)
49. I get annoyed at my father's paranoia to storms.
50. I have a blanket obsession.

51. My little brother is my best friend.
52. We have approximately 378,942 inside jokes. (This doesn't include outside jokes.)
53. I'm not particularly flattered if a guy gets me flowers. Flowers die.
54. I can be very suspicious of people and their intentions. I guess it's a trust issue.
55. My Spanish name in high school was Catalina.
56. Catalina used to be my favorite salad dressing. Now it's ranch.
57. I once choked on a Werther's Original hard candy. I don't care for them anymore.
58. I don't like cinnamon.
59. I used to hate naps - not anymore.
60. I've never dyed my hair.

61. I once spent the night on a trampoline with some friends. The owner of the trampoline didn't know. shhh
62. I like people that make me laugh.
63. I like people that think I'm funny.
64. I used to want to have glasses and braces for some unknown reason. I got both of my wishes.
65. I now wear contacts and have straight teeth.
66. Someone wanting me to do something makes me not want to do it.
67. I get some of my best ideas/thoughts while walking back from class. Too bad I usually forget by the time I reach my room.
68. A bird once pooped in my hair.
69. I have had the back of my head (my brain?) fall asleep. People think I'm weird when I tell them this.
70. I have 4 brothers and a sister.

71. I like peanuts. I like m&ms. I do not like peanut m&ms.
72. The list of things that creep me out is rather long.
73. I'm okay with the fact that I'm a nerd/geek.
74. I vomit at lovey dovey sappy sentimental junk.
75. I hate it when people have my ideas before I do.
76. The most "uncoolest" people are the ones that believe they are cool.
77. I've been known to forget to eat.
78. I pity giggly girls, dramatic girls, brain-dead girls, and superficial girls. I also want to punch them.
79. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite movie.
80. I had the Beauty and the Beast video, sing along tape, Barbies, coloring book, locket, suitcase, and numerous articles of clothing.

81. I like to paint. This does not mean I'm good at it.
82. I had a brief problem with eating soap when I was little.
83. I don't have an obsession with clothes/shoes. Does this make me odd?
84. I have a thing for accents.
85. I have no idea what I want to do with the rest of my life. I wonder if I should be more worried about this.
86. I envy kids nowadays. Their toys and clothes are so much cooler than what I had.
87. Massive amounts of birds scare me. I think it's gross and creepy.
88. Procrastination works for me.
89. I struggle with people not knowing when I'm joking. Maybe I should lay off the sarcasm.
90. I sing along to the car radio when I drive alone.

91. I've developed 3 categories of guys: dumb, creepy, and drunk.
92. I have a habit of being friends with the few that don't fit into any of these categories.
93. I don't know how to respond to compliments.
94. I hate being poked, as in a person jabbing their finger at me. It annoys the hell out of me.
95. I have issues with my socks being "out of funk".
96. I hate when people ask what type of music I like. don't know why.
97. I have a bizarre habit of not being able to finish the last bite of a sandwich.
98. I have a habit of distracting myself.
99. I have too many thoughts for one head.
100. I do weird things... like make lists.

late to bed, early to rise

When did Friday get here? Weeks go by pretty fast 'round here. Kinda sad actually. Where or where does the time go? Homework. AHHRRR. Though I did absolutely none of this yesterday. I didn't have my last class, so me and the girls went to get some food and then we did some long, intense shopping. I bought a shirt from American Eagle, so now I can feel guilty about that one for awhile. But hey, I never buy anything. I've been accused of being cheap (i like to think of it as being money conscious/poorness). I deserved to splurge this once, so get off of my back. We got back here and decided we wanted to go out to eat. Therefore, we did. Then we pooped around, took some interesting pictures in a Shopko, and did some hoola-hooping in the ghetto Walmart. I am the hoola-hoop master. I actually considered buying one, but didn't know where I'd put it. Those other two were pathetic. I feel sorry for their lack of hoola talent. Anyhoo, it was a good time.
Then this morning I had to get up nice and early for this tutoring thing I'm doing. Man, it was hard to drag my rear out of bed. I got to the school and was a tad surprised at the emptiness of the parking lot. Turns out they didn't have school. Good to know. Since I didn't have class for another 3 hours and by now I was too awake to nap, I actually got some of that studying done. Geez. I'd rather have slept. Taking away my sleep is not something I take lightly. It's amazing no one got hurt. I'll get over... maybe.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

For God's Sake, I'm Sorry

Calc. quiz tomorrow and thus far the studying has been pretty scarce. I have managed to open my notes and spread them out, however. There's progress. What am I thinking? That is not by far all I have accomplish in the past hour. I have successfully finished a whole box of Nerds. Possibly not my best idea, but at least I've done something. Who ever said I was lazy. Well... I am... but that is besides the point.

Have you ever done something that someone else (or maybe even yourself) won't let you forget about? Not to say that forgetting about the stupid things you've done will make them go away, but it isn't fair to have it constantly shoved in your face. Yes, yes, sometimes it is in good fun. "Hey remember when you did this?!" Stupidity is terrific for a good laugh now and then. Actually, it is good for this all of the time. However, my point is, sometimes people (meaning me) don't want to think about the Really Actual stupid things All of the time. I don't need a constant reminder when I make a mistake. Also, it is for me to decide when/if it is a mistake. It's my life, remember? If I hurt you, offended you, disappointed you, or made you feel uncomfortable in any way... I'm sorry. How many times must I say it? I'm sorry. I promised you it would never happen again, and it didn't, even when it very easily could have. I value you as a friend, and you promised you would still be my "homie" after I left. But honestly, what kind of friendship is it when that seems to be all there is between us now? Please, let me move on. I don't want to think about that every time I see/talk to you. And I really don't want that to be all you think about when you see/talk to me. Can you really not get past that? Is it that you're just joking about it, or are you seriously upset? I am sorry, but I want to be able to talk to you without being sorry.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Does this count as extra credit?

I've read Dante's Inferno for one of my classes and, though the class may usually seem utterly pointless, I found a couple of things in it that got me thinking. It's funny how I can relate to things in a story about Hell, is it not? Anyhoo...

"I come from where I most long to return"

"There is no greater sorrow than thinking back upon a happy time in misery"

"How incomplete is speech, how weak, when set against my thought!"

"You only dwell within Yourself, and only You know You; Selfknowing, Self-known, You love and smile upon Yourself!"

Hmmmmm... profound. Just thought I'd pass along some intriguing words. I know I can relate...
-I came from home... I miss it there.
-There is nothing worse than taking a terrific memory and twisting it and making it sad. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened people.
-I often feel like I can't fully express myself. Everything makes so much more sense in my head.
-I also feel/know that no one really knows me, but I know myself damnit.

I vote no homework

Well, I fulfilled my civic duty and voted today. Yep, I was a first timer. It's odd, no balloons fell, no confetti was thrown, not even a single noise maker sounded. jk. I'm just relieved that the campaigning can finally come to an end. That's right. I said I voted so you can all get off my back now. Leave me alone. I hate politics. It makes me sick. Excuse me as I vomit.
Ahh, much better. Anyway, I have given up on my rough draft for tonight. I suppose it didn't go that bad, only it took me much too long. I still have to do all the source documentation junk, but I'm feeling a lot better about it than I was. However, I must now pay attention to the rest of my homework. No fun, no fun at all. Does it ever end? No. Vote That Girl if you want to see real changes. I'm That Girl and I approve of this message.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Class Leads to Obesity in College Freshman

Junk Food... The work of the Devil, or a gift from God? That's a tough one. I absolutely hate my writing class. I cannot even express how completely awful it is. Not only is it making me hate to write, (an activity I enjoy) it drives me to poor eating habits. This is not to say that I have ever had good eating habits, but they are worsened by this devilish class. I get so frustrated and overwhelmed after class that I go and buy junk food. I then proceed to eat it until I feel sick. mmm comfort. I have a rough draft due Wednesday and I don't even know where to start. There goes my good grades. I think I just saw them fly out the window. Perhaps they will survive the fall. I am only on the second floor. Too bad I don't even have time to work on it now. I must study and take my bio quiz. Too much fun, I cannot contain myself.

Busy Busy Busy

Man, I've been a busy one. Last week I was depressingly overloaded with homework. Still haven't really finished. I don't even remember the beginning of the week. Wednesday I was so stressed after my writing class that I went and bought Oreos (double stuffed), Nerds, Jolly Ranchers, and Reeses. mmmm nothing like a little junk food to comfort oneself. Thursday I spent 3 hours in the library and walked back in the rain. Normally I would enjoy such a walk, but it was a cold rain. I do not like cold.
Friday I was just extremely excited about going home. When I pulled into the garage the cavalier was there. I wanted to hug it. I may or may not have totaled the vehicle. It's fixed now, but unfortunately the car needs to be inspected before it can be driven, so I didn't get to drive it back up here. Anyway, I spent most of the night hanging out with the little brother. I miss that kid. I may kidnap him and bring him back up here with me next time I'm home. Saturday I went with Ashley and her friend Phil to a porn store, me being the porn store virgin. It was disturbing to say the least, and all I want to say is the least. Big brother number 3 is engaged!! I knew it would happen, it was just a matter of when. They're thinking something small, in March perhaps. I'm pretty excited.
Today we celebrated my grandparent's anniversary. 60 years is a long time. I was delighted to see how good grandma seems to be doing. She seemed really lively and it made me smile the biggest smile just to hear her laugh. It was the most refreshing, wonderful sound I've ever heard. Maybe I just haven't seen them in too long. Even grandpa seemed to be doing well. I even talked to him a bit, which doesn't happen often. He seemed alert and wasn't very difficult to communicate with. It seems that everyone has seen or heard of the picture of me at my sister's wedding. Everyone got a kick out of it. It is quite hilarious if I do say so myself. The family couldn't believe that it is their quiet, little girl. Hmmm. Guess what. I may not be the girl you all think I am. And yet I am. Anyway, I got back up here, unpacked, worked out, did a load of homework, contemplated the rest of the homework, typed a bunch of random, unrelated ideas about my week/weekend, and was left knowing that there is so much more.