Get Out of my Head

Monday, November 19, 2007

don't know how it happened but it did

I wrote this the end of June. I didn't publish it at the time for some reason. Perhaps I felt it was unfinished, but seeing it now (5 months later)... I think it's perfect. I'm only more in love with him now than I was then.

I remember a time when I didn't even believe in it, and I certainly still don't understand it, but I somehow fell into it. The big L word. Yup, I am in a relationship with a wonderful guy that loves me like crazy and I love him right back. His name is Michael and it baffles me when I think about how perfect he is. I'm trying real hard to maintain my realistic point of view on things, so don't worry about that. If anything, whether we end up happily-ever-after or we both end up heartbroken and hurt, I'm learning things. I'm learning about what love is. I'm learning about myself, my comfort zones, what it really takes to make my truly happy. I'm learning about my strengths and I'm learning about my weaknesses. I'm learning that sometimes you don't have to be perfect. I still may not believe in love at first sight or soul mates but I'm proud to say that I believe in love.

"Just when you think it can't get any worse, it can. And just when you think it can't get any better, it will."

At First Sight
-Nicholas Sparks

hut hut HIKE

I've never been one to put together a five year plan. I'm more of a "by the seat of her pants" kinda gal. But the quickly approaching graduation has me doing a lot of thinking. So here is the GAME PLAN:

--I took the 1st actuarial exam in August and failed miserably.

--I came back to school for my senior year thinking that I needed a job terribly.

--I became employed by a nice restaurant... I HATED it.

--I QUIT. Not because I'm lazy, but because if I'm going to be serious about studying for this exam to retake it in February I'm not going to have the time to work ~30 a wknd.

--So now I'm gonna get strict with myself!

--There will be study time and workout time added to every one of my anal little calanders.

--The library will become my second home once again.

--I will find a nearby internship in which to fulfill the remainder of my credits and gain valueable experience.

--I will do amazing on the exam in Feb. (hopeful... I'm a hopeful one)

--I will go out celebrating afterwards. There will be drinks, you can be sure of that.

--I will spend the rest of my final semester working at this amazing internship (hopefully) and finding real jobs for after graduation.

--I will look into post-graduation housing (though this may be hard without knowing my future place of employment.)

--I will be SMART and SEXY(er) (remember?... I'm gonna work out) and IN LOVE with an amazing man.

--My life will be GRAND!
except for the whole paying off the debt :