Get Out of my Head

Monday, October 09, 2006


2 months until the consumption of achoholic beverages will be legal

random observation #10

The garbage recepticles in the stall of the women's bathroom say:
"Pottsville, PA"
A little ironic, no?

Sunday, October 01, 2006

I'm not dead

Exactly why do people think that I have nothing better to do all week long than mounds and mounds of homework and STUDYING? How exactly am I supposed to find time to fill out the 50 applications I picked up yesterday? And how exactly am I supposed to manage the job on top of the homework in the possibility that I actually get hired by SOMEONE. And how am I supposed to FEED myself if I do not find employment soon? And how exactly am I supposed to sneak in the FUN factor? Duh, how about we lay off me. Huh? No more of this crap.
eh. I supposed I could cut out some of the procrastination time that is characterized by me daydreaming and/or putzing around. But such time is precious to me.
Honestly though, the amount of time I spend working on school relating things is disgusting. simply disgusting

That about sums up my life right now. Sure there are other things, but those will have to wait until another time. After all, I have an Analysis exam tomorrow.

I find humor in the fact that Analysis has the word "anal" in it.
And it's things like this that keep me going everyday.