Get Out of my Head

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

In Case You Were Wondering More

... an extension to In Case You Were Wondering

101. I read extracurricularly.
102. My favorite word is "logger".
103. I currently work roughly 60 hours a week.
104. This leaves me no time to have a life, but I didn't have one anyway.
105. I hate it when my house phone rings.

106. I very rarely wear my hair down. It annoys me.
107. I think life would be a lot easier if I just shaved my head.
108. My ears are pierced, but I rarely wear earrings.
109. I don't like hot chocolate.
110. I got sent to the principal's office in 3rd grade for punching a kid.

111. I have three birthmarks in my cleavage. HOT
112. I have a pink birthmark on my right inner thigh.
113. I've never played scrabble.
114. I shoplifted a necklace once. Felt too guilty to ever really wear it.
115. When I was little I fell off the toilet and somehow managed to break it with my head.

116. I have three traffic tickets to my name, all received before I reached 19.
117. They include speeding (23 mph over, ouch), passing into oncoming traffic, and failure to yield (out of a Wal-Mart parking lot, resulting in an accident).
118. Proof of geekiness includes a 4.0 my second semester of college.
119. My goals range from writing a book to going up the down escalator.
120. I once recieved the award for being "Most Calm". Is that lame?

121. My middle name is Alice, my grandmother's name.
122. My pre-braces teeth led my older brother to call me "chipmunk". 123. I wore a lot of pink in my kindergarten years. I'm not a huge fan.
124. I go through stages of hardcore zoning.
125. I have the amazing ability to tune people/things out.

126. I become more and more of an over achiever.
127. I'm laidback and yet anal at the same time.
128. I'm not a good decision maker. I wish someone else would do it for me.
129. I think it's strange when people call me ma'am. What am I, 50?
130. I listen to country music more and more.

131. I'm quiet and reserved when first meeting people.
132. I've cut my own hair.
133. It looked good the first time... Not the second.
134. I've never seen most movies that everyone else has.
135. I've watched strange television simply because I couldn't find the remote.

136. I once had my brother believing that I was in a carpet commercial.
137. I will not put bills in the cash register upside down.
138. I have a geekish crush on a guy with a girlfriend. I feel evil for this.
139. I wish my teeth were whiter.
140. I've realized that I would make an awful parent because I'm too much of a kid.

141. Lime is my favorite popsicle flavor.
142. I've been told I have a nice butt.
143. I'm extremely easy to get along with.
144. I can only dream of one day being as cool as Barbara Walters.
145. General Hospital is my soap opera of choice, though I'm not an addict.

146. I don't believe in regret.
147. Sometimes, I'm not sure if I believe in love.
148. I like to write, but don't do it enough.

149. I have a "Drugs Free That's Me" keychain.
150. I've been to IHOP, but have never had an IHOP pancake.

151. I rarely wore make-up throughout high school.
152. I still wear very little.
153. I have honestly believed that God wants me to die in a car accident.
154. My brother has convinced my parents to get 2 goats.
155. The black one is "Carl" and the white one is "Lenny". (Simpsons anyone?)

156. I don't like Super Wal-Marts. They're just too big. I get lost.
157. I've been asked why I don't have a boyfriend.
158. I wish I knew the answer.
159. While home for the summer, I've slept on the couch as much as my bed.
160. I get scolded for this every time.

161. Working at BK has made me appreciate patient people.
162. Working in a factory has made me appreciate not working in a factory.
163. Angelina Jolie scares me.
164. Richard Simmons also scares me, but in a different way.
165. I think I'm a bad friend.

166. I'd rather be hot than cold.
167. I prefer lemon in my water.
168. I talk to myself in my car sometimes. I'm weird.
169. I supposedly brush my teeth loudly.
170. I've never used an ATM.

171. I say "dude" too much... dude.
172. I'll probably suffer from osteoporosis by the time I'm 30.
173. I am a student at UW Green Bay.
174. I plan to major in Mathematics.
175. I have no idea what I will do with this degree.

176. I've been told I'll never get married.
177. I feel uncomfortable around old people with declining health.
178. This includes my own grandfather in the nursing home. That makes me feel bad.
179. I wish I was more artsy. Creativity is fun.
180. I'm a virgin. and proud. woot woot

181. Having to urinate annoys me.
182. Sometimes I'd rather stay in than go out.
183. I once stayed home on a Saturday night and learned how to crochet. party!
184. I like my Easter Peeps stale.
185. Gnomes are creepy, huh?

186. I appreciate it when a guy (or anyone) acknowledges the fact that I've gotten a little tubby, compared to my old skinny-inny self.
187. It beats people insisting that I haven't and yelling at me for telling what is the truth.
188. I'll probably end up with a guy that calls me fat and ugly, and be happy.
189. I'm an "off the dollar menu" kind of gal.
190. I prefer Target to Wal-Mart.

191. I'm a Milwaukee Brewer fan.
192. I have brown eyes.
193. I'm not much of a crier.
194. I did when I was little, but now I think it makes me feel weak.
195. Still, the movie 28 Days makes me teary eyed every time.

196. I've had a secret admirer.
197. I lose my car in parking lots.
198. I used to want to be on Saturday Night Live.
199. I'm one of those people that can get away with things because I'm sweet and cute, so it's not sassy it's fun and witty. (if that made any sense)
200. I'm a date dodger. This is often unintentional. damn

Thursday, August 18, 2005

lingering thought #10

For a person that has never been much of a hugger, I cherish a good hug more than you know.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

the reason

So... Why don't you have a boyfriend?
It took me a couple weeks to figure it out, but here's your answer.

I've realized that I am exceptionally talented when it comes to dodging being asked out, whether it is on purpose or completely unintentional. Don't get me wrong. It is a gift as well as a curse. Sometimes this skill comes in handy for nonchalantly blowing off guys I'm not into. However, even when it is a guy that I kind of like, I completely dodge their attempt, often without realizing it at the time. Then later I'm like, "Ohhh, they were trying to ask me out... and I wasn't helping AT ALL. Damn." When I think about it, the only times I've dated or had a fling or whatnot, it's either just kinda happened or the guy had to make it really obvious that he was asking me out. So if you want to date me, I advice you to make it extremely obvious. Pass me a note with yes/no check boxes perhaps. Don't give up on me.

So, there's my problem. I'm sure this is not my only problem, but a big one. Is there some sort of support group I can join? I suppose my being a huge retard may also have something to do with it.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

#1 work related reason I should not have kids: I'M A DROPPER.

lingering thought #9

I DoN't KNoW hoW tO sToP HiM WiThOuT LoSiNG HiM

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Q: What is hotter than a chic in steel toed shoes and safety glasses?
A: A chic in steel toed shoes, safety glasses, earplugs, and an apron. In other words, ME.

My new career goal.......To have a job that does not require earplugs. When I aim, I aim high.

I value my hearing. I'm a fan. I am not, however, a fan of the irratation attributed to earplugs invading my ears. I recall the family doctor instructing me at a fairly young age to never stick any object into my delicate ears. I remember being taught in kindergarten the proper way to use a q-tip, insuring no damage be done by inserting it too far. Yet, years later, I find myself daily shoving yellow earplugs into my poor ears. Something is terribly wrong here.