Get Out of my Head

Thursday, March 29, 2007

library shizz

It's no secret. I spend a lot of time in the library.
I realized something the other day. Call it disgusting, call it depressing, call it inappropriate, call it abnormal, but I really think it may be true.
I think I use the restroom in the library more than I do the one in my own apartment.
I think one needs to evaluate the amount of time spent somewhere when this is the case. I've become very knowledgable about the toilets in that place (a fact I don't know that I should be proud of). If you want to know which toilets flush properly and which ones don't, just ask.
Also, the comfort level I've obtained is alarming to me. I have this problem with going number 2 in a public place. My body simply does not allow it. And yet, I do this horrid act in the library as if it were my home. Perhaps I need to take a break from the library. (as if this were actually a possibility before the end of the semester.)

I do realize that this is a terrible thing to post about when I haven't done so in the longest time... but I'm the disgusting person that dumps in the library, so get over it.